Monday, December 12, 2016
Monday, December 05, 2016
Monday, November 21, 2016
Corah site
Prompted by the Leicester Civic Society Chairman's page in the November issue of Leicester Citizen (see extract below), two LCS members had a look round the area over the weekend and took some photos – see online album here.
One major cause for concern is the Corah site. It is a gigantic ‘black hole’ siting between Burleys Way and Abbey Park. On one side is the new Charter Street Stadium, with a proposed footbridge into the park; on the other the Waterside redevelopment area, though this too is not without its problems. Corah’s is a great part of Leicester’s great history as a manufacturing colossus. It is however a vast wreck, currently plagued by repeated attacks of arson. Given its layout and position it should be a thriving, almost self-contained urban village, making a major contribution to city centre housing stock and the city centre economy. But it is not. It is a sad truth that until something is done about Corah the economic miracle being wrought elsewhere in this great city of ours will remain marred.
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Archway to nowhere! Leicester’s historic Corah Factory, threatened by arson, awaits restoration and renewal. |
Friday, November 18, 2016
Bethink yourselves
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Image "borrowed" from A. Christoyannopoulos' Conversation article |
In a recent article at The Conversation, Alexandre Christoyannopoulos suggests four things you can do to make a difference, if you think the world is in a mess:
1. Be a reflective "producer" (this is about one's work choices)
2. Be an ethical consumer
3. Be an active citizen
4. Be a principled person
In conclusion, the author refers to Tolstoy, who wanted us to “bethink ourselves”. It turns out that Tolstoy's essay with the title Bethink Yourselves was written against the background of the Russo-Japanese War and contains this noteworthy statement (not least in the context of Remembrance):
Strange as this may seem, the surest and most certain deliverance for men from all their self-inflicted calamities, even the most dreadful of them – war – is attainable not by any external general measures but by that simple appeal to the consciousness of each individual man which was presented by Jesus nineteen hundred years ago: that every man should bethink himself and ask himself who he is, why he lives, and what he should and should not do.The word "bethink" is interesting from a linguistic perspective. The Oxford English Dictionary confirms the "suspicion" that it is etymologically related to the German word "bedenken". It seems a shame that it is "obsolete". Perhaps it will make a comeback.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Weekend reading
The battle over Uber and driverless cars is really a debate about the future of humanity.
- "Uber drivers were right to claim employment rights. But in a world where driverless cars may soon make them redundant, we face long-term dilemmas about the systems we choose".
- If we accept – as Oxford researchers Carl Frey and Michael Osborne stated in 2013 – that 47% of jobs are susceptible to automation, the most obvious problem is: how are people going to live?
- "In a way, Uber has done us a favour by making concrete the kind of rightwing libertarian dystopia that would come about if we allowed Silicon Valley to design the future. Instead, we should begin by recognising that, as machines plus artificial intelligence begin to replace human beings, the entire social, political and moral dilemma for humanity becomes a question of systems".
Guardian Weekly 11 November reader letter under the heading Time to get rid of elections, with reference to George Monbiot's article under the heading Lies, fearmongering and fables: that’s our democracy and the Sortition Foundation.
Guardian 25 October: 'Nobody calls it Czechia': Czech Republic's new name fails to catch on
Guardian Weekly 4 November: The prime minister of pretence – Theresa May told lies to win her job and now she is doing the same to make people believe she is acting in their interest.
Owen Jones, Guardian Weekly 4 November: "We all possess a natural empathy for other human beings. But once we Lose that, it is easy for injustice to flourish. The solution? Tell humanising stories".
Guardian Weekly 21 October: Liquid assets: how the business of bottled water went mad. This article was heavily criticised in a reader letter under the heading The great water folly in GW 11 November for "totally ignoring the many real issues surrounding the bottled water industry".
Wednesday, November 09, 2016
Thursday, November 03, 2016
Tuesday, November 01, 2016
Monday, October 31, 2016
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Albert-Ueberle-Straße, Heidelberg
Dass sie nach dem letzten Neuenheimer Bürgermeister benannt ist, dürfte weniger bekannt sein. Laut Angaben des Heidelberger Geschichtsvereins wurde Albert Ueberle 1828 in Neuenheim geboren und war "Holzhändler und Pächter der Neckarfähre zwischen Neuenheim und Heidelberg". 1881 wurde er Bürgermeister von Neuenheim und wurde 1888 wiedergewählt, bis Neuenheim 1891 nach Heidelberg eingemeindet wurde.
An einem Haus in der Albert-Ueberle-Straße befindet sich der einprägsame Spruch:
Ein Autor namens Leo Gold, über den im Internet wenig zu finden ist, außer dass er an den Universitäten in Tübingen, Freiburg im Breisgau und Frankfurt am Main Germanistik studiert hat und in der Nähe von Wiesbaden lebt, hat den Spruch in sein Buch mit dem Titel Streichle mich mit deinen Worten aufgenommen. Zitat:
An Tagen, an denen es heftiger zuging, hoffte Max naturgemäß, sich bald in den Feierabend verabschieden zu können. War es soweit, schwang er sich auf sein Fahrrad, fuhr über die Alte Brücke, von dort die Ziegelhäuser Landstraße entlang, die in die Neuenheimer- überging, bis er scharf rechts in die Albert-Ueberle-Straße einbog und bis zu dem Haus fuhr, auf dessen Fassade ein lustiger Segensspruch gemalt war: „Behüt’ das Haus vor Wetter und Wind und Menschen, die langweilig sind“. Max hatte in dessen Nachbarhaus eine Souterrainwohnung gemietet. Zwei Zimmer, Küche, Bad und eine schöne Terrasse, von der er auf den Neckar und zur Heidelberger Altstadt schauen konnte. Sein Fahrrad lehnte er an die Außenwand seines Schlafzimmers. Bei gutem Wetter aß er eine Kleinigkeit auf der Terrasse.
Sunday, October 09, 2016
Save this house from... boring people
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Thursday, September 15, 2016
The Quality of Leicester
In the meantime, 'preview' photos were installed on the hoardings around the construction site at the recently demolished "Faulty Towers" building (former HQ of Leicester City Council) – see screenshot from Google Street View below. The temptation to take "photos of the photos" was too great to resist, resulting in an online photo album.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
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Foto: Spiegel |
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Foto: Spiegel |
Interessanterweise steht "Poser" (und "Poserin") bereits im Duden! "Autoposer" wird wahrscheinlich demnächst aufgenommen.
Als Reaktion auf Autoposer empfiehlt sich demonstratives Wegschauen.
Monday, August 15, 2016
Reading list: The Goblin Reservation
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Cover of the original Berkley paperback edition of 1968, courtesy of Polite Dissent |
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Illustration by Soviet artist Eugenia Sterligova, from Wikipedia |
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Laundry balls
Update June 2017:
Further "research" and the German page here would suggest that the mechanical effect of certain laundry balls can in fact be beneficial. In one of the tests, better results were achieved with 50% of the normal washing power quantity than with 100% washing powder and no balls!
Our laundry balls have since been "recommissioned".
Friday, August 12, 2016
Blast from the past: HP 15C
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Has Chris Huhne been brainwashed?
Equally impressive was Chris Huhne's passionate broadside against anti-wind pontificators at the Renewable UK 2011 conference in Manchester, during which he referred to an "unholy alliance of short-termists, armchair engineers, climate sceptics and vested interests ... selling the UK economy short by their refusals to acknowledge the benefits that renewables will bring".
Sadly, his performance in an interview about the Hinkley C madness on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme this morning was lamentable. In complete contrast to his previous enthusiasm for renewables, he pontificated about the variability or renewables in a manner one is used to from unenlightened renewables sceptics and about the alleged need for new baseload (which is an outdated concept), verging on enthusiastic support for the Hinkley C white elephant. A classic Victor Meldrew moment! Tom Burke, on the other hand, was in his usual excellent form on the same programme.
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Chris Huhne at the Delabole windfarm in Truro, England, c.2011. Photograph: Matt Cardy/Getty Images |
Virtual Reality
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Wir sind nur Gast auf Erden
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Feel the Power
Friday, July 15, 2016
Sanity at stake
Update 16/01/2021
Quote from an email a friend wrote, with reference to the ongoing Covid-19 lockdown in the UK:
"... I hope you are keeping sane under the
current house arrest situation. ..."
Quote from my reply:
"Sanity has been an issue long before Covid – see cartoon from 2016 (just after the Brexit referendum) [pointing to the unreferenced cartoon above]. I should have credited the source really – will try and find it and rectify in due course. I think it's actually American, possibly New Yorker, but it perfectly summed up my Brexit-related feelings at the time."
Further research some time ago revealed that the cartoonist is David Sipress. According to his New Yorker article from February 2017 under the heading "How to stay sane as a cartoonist in Trumpland", the cartoon is the most published, republished, tweeted, retweeted, liked, shared, or stolen and reprinted without his permission. Oh dear, sorry for having featured the cartoon here without reference or permission for several years – I hope this postscript makes up for it. Anyway, said Trumpland article is depressing and highly entertaining at the same time, and as topical as ever. Not to mention the fact that in 2019 it inspired me to take out a New Yorker gift
subscription for one of my translation team members during a sojourn in Florida.
Incidentally, the word 'angst' in this sentence: "Ironically, it’s a 'good' story that has caused me the most angst: 'Dow reaches 20,000'" triggered an entry in our "German words in the news" collection.
And by the way, David Sipress' short bio is well worth a read too, as is Juan Astasio's article from 2018 under the heading "Why this cartoonist keeps pitching the New Yorker – even after 100 rejections".
Tuesday, July 05, 2016
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Michael Gove before a Sky News interview with Faisal Islam |
Saturday, July 02, 2016
Royal Enfield
On that note, in February 2015 the Leicester Mercury reported: Royal Enfield motorcycle firm to create design centre in Leicestershire
Update January 2018: Unfortunately the above article seems to have disappeared from the Mercury archive. A truncated version is available here.
A further article appeared in the Leicester Mercury in December 2017 under the heading: Leicestershire at heart of global expansion plans for Indian motorbike giant Royal Enfield
Friday, July 01, 2016
Energy Institute
- 2016 Melchett Award Lecture by Sir David King
- Branch Forum
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Keep calm and carry on!
"Keep calm and carry on!"
(or, as one of our local Indian restaurants has it, keep calm and curry on).
Of course, everyone knows that the "Keep calm" phrase originated in (don't mention) the war, but did you know that, quoting Wikipedia, "the poster was hardly ever publicly displayed and was little known until a copy was rediscovered in 2000 at Barter Books, a bookshop in Alnwick".
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Wuthering Heights at Bradgate Park
Looking forward to Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles in August, also with Chapterhouse Theatre Company.
Friday, June 24, 2016
German residents have declared a state of emergency
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
My kingdom for a... mask
Reminiscent of Leicester FoE's good old 'direct action' days.
If the print in the scans below is too small, you can read the online version here.
Friday, June 17, 2016
Jo Cox: an attack on humanity, idealism and democracy
Meanwhile, tributes have been pouring in. According to the BBC, they were led by Jo Cox' husband, Brendan, who describes himself in his Twitter profile as a "campaigner, activist, boat dweller and dad", and said: "Jo believed in a better world and she fought for it everyday of her life with an energy, and a zest for life that would exhaust most people".
As a translator colleague said, straight after the news broke yesterday:
"Let’s hope some good comes of it".
At 5:50 this morning, Dirk Kurbjuweit, deputy chief editor of the German magazine Der Spiegel, sent this pertinent comment in his Morning Briefing, under the heading "unendlich traurig" (infinitely sad):
Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser,
es ist unendlich traurig, das Jo Cox sterben musste. Ein Mann ermordete die Labour-Abgeordnete gestern auf offener Straße in Birstall. Bei Attentaten auf Politiker in Demokratien gibt es danach die Hoffnung, dass der Täter ein Irrer sein möge. Wäre der Täter bei halbwegs normalem Verstand und hätte Jo Cox ermordet, weil sie für den Verbleib ihres Landes in der EU war, hätte Großbritannien eine Staatskrise. Aus der harschen Auseinandersetzung um den Brexit hätte jemand die Schlussfolgerung gezogen, dass ein Mord seine Position stärkt. Dies würde die politische Kultur des Landes in Frage stellen und den an sich ja notwendigen Streit um den Brexit diffamieren. Kommt die Tat aus einer allgemeinen Verwirrung, wie bei Lafontaine oder Schäuble, fällt das weg. Ein Trost wäre das nicht, aber eine Erleichterung.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Did Germany react in a knee-jerk way to Chernobyl and Fukushima? Errm, no.
Stand by for further elaboration in due course.
Wednesday, June 08, 2016
Leave Hinkley to the hedgehogs
When will Britain wake up and put a stop to this crazy project once and for all?
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Decision expected imminently. Illustration: David Simonds |
Two fingers to the world: is that your message, Brexiteers?
The European Union is an extraordinary creation in which countries that believe in pluralism, democracy, welfare economics and the rule of law gain extra leverage in the pursuit of their national interests by sharing sovereignty. So what is Brexit’s message to the world: two fingers? Or maybe as Ferdinand Mount, the former head of Thatcher’s policy unit, says, we’ll catch the Brexiteers belting out that Millwall chant, “No one likes us, we don’t care.” Like the football team, they’ll sing it all the way to the third division.See also plea for a little more positivity here.
Monday, June 06, 2016
King Power
Still, after the amazing events surrounding King Richard III, and now that LCFC are football kings of England, it certainly all makes sense!
See photo collection below. Note that even Leicester Cathedral was flying the LCFC flag! Wouldn't have happened in the old days, would it? Note also the special Walkers Crisp package at the end.
Brocks Hill Garden Party
Saturday, June 04, 2016
Muhammad Ali RIP
I have relatively vivid memories of my father watching boxing matches in the middle of the night, probably not long after we had our first TV, i.e. from circa 1964 onwards.
“Muhammad Ali was the Greatest. Period. If you just asked him, he’d tell you. He’d tell you he was the double greatest; that he’d ‘handcuffed lightning, thrown thunder into jail’. But what made the Champ the greatest – what truly separated him from everyone else – is that everyone else would tell you pretty much the same thing.”
Friday, June 03, 2016
EU Leicester Rally - Leading NOT Leaving
Uplifting pro-EU rally/meeting under the motto "Leading NOT Leaving" in Leicester yesterday, organised by the European Movement (of which Charles Kennedy was president from 2004 until his death exactly one year ago), with:
- Sir Vince Cable - Former Deputy Leader of the Lib Dems and former Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills
- Liz Kendall - Labour MP for Leicester West
- Caroline Lucas - Green Party MP and former Green Party Leader
- Anuja Prashar - Executive (Treasurer) European Movement UK and Lib Dem former parliamentary candidate
- Andrew Rawnsley's description of Boris Johnson as an "incorrigible attention-seeker", and Guardian columnist Matthew d'Ancona's reference to the situation as an "Eton mess", including his memorable statement: A battle between two Etonians is a poor way to decide what kind of country we want Britain to be.
- 'Sound bite statement' from my blog entry of 3 March: After the madness of WWI and WWII, it would be fundamentally crazy to undermine the foundations of the 'unity' achieved since then, not to mention environmental aspects.
- Paraphrasing from a recent 30-minute interview* with Joschka Fischer, who is described in Wikipedia as a leading figure in the West German Greens since the 1970s and was German Foreign Secretary (Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs) from 1998 to 2005 (cf. reflections on PR referred to above) and President of the Council of the European Union for six months in 1999 (see here for speech), in which he reflected on his experience in Council meetings: God, how tedious and boring these meetings often were, at times verging on the absurd... But then I thought: hang on a minute, there were times during my father's and grandfather's era, when this kind of debate was carried out on battlegrounds. Wouldn't you rather put up with tedium?
*Political correspondent Florian Eders described the interview (in German) in yesterday's edition of his Politico Morgen Europa briefing – see here.
A Leicester Mercury report on the event can be found here.