Prompted by the Leicester Civic Society Chairman's page in the November issue of Leicester Citizen (see extract below), two LCS members had a look round the area over the weekend and took some photos – see online album here.
One major cause for concern is the Corah site. It is a gigantic ‘black hole’ siting between Burleys Way and Abbey Park. On one side is the new Charter Street Stadium, with a proposed footbridge into the park; on the other the Waterside redevelopment area, though this too is not without its problems. Corah’s is a great part of Leicester’s great history as a manufacturing colossus. It is however a vast wreck, currently plagued by repeated attacks of arson. Given its layout and position it should be a thriving, almost self-contained urban village, making a major contribution to city centre housing stock and the city centre economy. But it is not. It is a sad truth that until something is done about Corah the economic miracle being wrought elsewhere in this great city of ours will remain marred.
Archway to nowhere! Leicester’s historic Corah Factory, threatened by arson, awaits restoration and renewal. |